There are Stoners that believe marijuana will cure anything, which is obviously not true. You might feel like you're cured, and to some extent I guess that counts. There are others that claim marijuana offers relief from pain caused by certain illnesses, and there is some science to back that up. However, I don't know of anyone who claimed ol' MaryJane could beat Covid 19, but... that could just be the case.
Now, before some of you get all jacked up and excited, smoking marijuana isn't the answer, according to researchers at Oregon State University, but they have found certain cannabis compounds that prevent the virus from entering human cells.
Did you get that?
No entry into human cells = no viral infection = no Covid 19.
Hemp and marijuana, in case you didn't know, are both actually the same cannabis plant, the only difference being the amount of THC in each. Marijuana contains more, and hence the high, so you won't be getting high from the proposed Covid treatment, because the tests were made using hemp.
"Don't bogart that joint, my friend..."
You'll find lots more details in the article from the New York Post.
#covid #hemp #marijuana
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