The Headless Horseman
It can be hard to verify things from 500 years ago,but this legend seems to have some basis in fact.
The original story takes place in Scotland in themid 1500's, concerning land disputes between a fatherand son. The father was the head of his clan, andthe son was the heir apparent. The son however, notwilling to wait for an inheritance, kept demandinga larger portion of the clans holdings.
The father eventually got tired of hearing the demandsand decided that the issue be settled like men. At thetime that meant a dual on horseback. The son feltconfident that given his youth and strength he couldeasily overpower the old man, so when the time camehe reared his horse and charged at his father head on.
As his horse gained speed and the son closed in to strike,a clansman who was loyal to the father drew his swordand swung at the son as he passed by, cleanly beheading him.The horse, startled by the unexpected attack took off onhis own with the sons' headless body still on his back.
And thus the legend was born.
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