Why is today Election Day?
Today is Tuesday, November 5th, Election Day,but why is it today?
Is it always on November 5th?Well, no...In 2020 it was on November 3rd,in 2016 it was on November 8th,so why today?
Because it's Tuesday, a very particular Tuesday,and we can thank farmers for that.
In 1845 Congress decided that the first Tuesdayafter the first Monday in November would be Election Day.
Again, why?Because farmers weren't all that busy early in November.The harvest was usually in, and that made it a goodtime for them to leave the fields for a day and go vote.
In the 1800's farmers made up a big chunk of thepopulation, and it seemed to be in the bestinterests of politicians on both sides of theaisle to make it easy for farmers to cast their ballots.
So Tuesday it is, but not just any Tuesday...
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